About Us
It’s actually not about us. Our story is more about You.
Our Mission
Dynamic support and function resulting in maximum comfort. Out with the Old, Wring in the New.
Our Vision
My first solo fishing trip was when I was six. The Mad River. Dad didn’t let me go alone, I just didn’t ask. I had no problem rigging my pole and casting it out, but that first cast, the reel snagged and slapped the water only a few feet from shore. I stared at where the hook had sunk and at that very instant I saw one of the most beautiful sights I had ever seen, a ruby-throat hummingbird. He just effortlessly hovered there above the water and then disappeared as fast as he had come. At that very second, a fish sunk hard on my hook and I quickly reeled it in. What a perfect moment. That’s when it hit me, “Perfection happens when the timing is right.” Wring Theory is a concept that nature is a “complex simplicity.” It’s not magic, just a simple adherence to ‘form follows function’ packaged in an appealing fashion. Not only the foot, but the whole body is designed to move in a 3-Dimensional world. Products that facilitate and coordinate that motion result in functional, desirable merchandise. Wring Theory defines the motion occurring to create our products. We seek to maximize comfort and create simplicity in daily activity in a fashionable way.
– Dr. Paul Clint Jones

Paul Clint Jones, D.P.M.

Tom K. Lukovich R.Ph.
Vice President